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ICT Data Centre and High Performance Computing Facility

Assam University, Silchar

Data centres are used to store and process large amounts of data. Data centres are used by researchers to store and process large datasets. This allows them to conduct complex research and make new discoveries. They rely on High-performance computing (HPC) systems to solve complex computational problems.
The ICT Data Centre and High Performance Computing Facility established at Assam University, Silchar is aimed to cater the high end computational need of the users from wide variety of Academic, and R&D fields, like,

  • Scientific research: HPC is used to simulate complex physical systems, such as weather, climate, and nuclear fusion. It is also used to analyze large datasets, such as those generated by astronomical observations or medical imaging.
  • Engineering: HPC is used to design and test new products, such as aircraft, cars, and medical devices. It is also used to simulate the performance of these products under different conditions.
  • Finance: HPC is used to analyze financial data, such as stock market prices and risk models. It is also used to simulate trading strategies and to develop new financial products.
  • Media and entertainment: HPC is used to create special effects for movies and TV shows. It is also used to render 3D graphics and to simulate real-world environments.
  • Other industries: HPC is used in a wide range of other industries, including oil and gas, manufacturing, and transportation.

HPC is a rapidly growing field, and new applications are being developed all the time. As HPC systems become more powerful, they will be able to solve more complex problems. This will lead to new discoveries in science and engineering, and to new products and services in a wide range of industries.

Committee for the ICT Data Centre and High Performance Computing Facility
The Committee members for the ICT Data Centre and High Performance Computing Facility comprises of the following members,

Sl. No. Name, Department Designation
1. Prof. Shahin Ara Begum, Department of Computer Science Chairperson
2. Prof. Paritosh Mondal, Department of Chemistry Member
3. Prof. Sudipta Roy, Department of Computer Science & Engg Member
4. Prof. Pankaj Deva Sharma, Department of Computer Science Member
5. Prof. Sarbani Giri, Department of Life Sc. & Bioinformatics Member
6. Dr. Angsu Maan Sen, Director, Computer Centre Member
7. Mr. Sobhan Bedajna, System Analyst Member
8. Dr. Sudip Choudhury, Department of Chemistry Member Convener

Accessing the HPC Facility

Faculty/Researchers can access and can use the installed applications by logging into the Facility. A local scheduler schedules the jobs submitted by multiple users. Interested faculty members can register for accessing the Facility.

A Declaration (containing the Terms and Conditions for using the Facility) duly signed by the applicant faculty and the concerned HoD is to be uploaded during the registration process.

General Guideline for using the facility

  • Currently the facility will initially be available to the faculty members of Assam University.  Inclusion of external users will be decided in future after periodic assessment of the available computing resources and other relevant factors.
  • At present, the Login account for accessing the facility will be given only to the faculty members (hereafter referred as the ‘User’). Faculty members may provide their Login account for accessing the facility to the respective Students/Research Scholars working with them.
  • Interested faculty members shall have to apply for creation of a User Account to access the facility through the prescribed online User Registration Form. A Declaration (containing the Terms and Conditions for using the Facility) duly signed by the applicant faculty and the concerned HoD is to be uploaded during the registration process.
  • Each user will be given 5GB space quota under their account and an unlimited scratch space. The data in the scratch space will be purged periodically.
  • At present, 10 core/user/job will be provided. Each user will be allowed to have one job running with another one job in queue. This CPU quota may be reviewed by the Committee time-to-time and modified for optimum use of the facility.
  • Some of the application software is installed in the HPC and available to use. More applications will be made available in future.
  • Users may install and use their own software in their account without violating the Terms and Conditions for using the facility.

Terms and Conditions

  • The User will use the facility for academic and research purposes only.
  • The User will strictly adhere to respective licensing policies of all third-party software.
  • The User will not hold ICT Data Centre and High-Performance Computation Facility responsible for any unavailability of service, loss of data, emergent shut-down or any other performance issues.
  • The User will be solely responsible for installation of software or any other activities done with his/her login.
  • Any activity using this facility which violates international/national laws is prohibited.
  • The User is solely responsible for maintenance, security and backup of data in their respective user account.
  • The User accepts that his/her account will be suspended immediately if it is found to pose any security risk or if any fraudulent activities are noticed.
  • After the expiry of the approved duration of a User account, the data will be available only for a period of three months after which data and account would be removed, unless the account is renewed.
  • The User will duly acknowledge the facility in their publications. (Kindly Acknowledge the following: “ICT Data Centre and High-Performance Computation Facility, Assam University” and intimate this Center about such publications)
  • The User will adhere to any changes in terms and conditions made available from time to time.

The Centre is thankful to Prof. Paritosh Mondal, Department of Chemistry, Assam University for the site license of Gaussian 16 software

Reach us @

Prof. Shahin Ara Begum


ICT Data Centre and High-Performance Computation Facility
Assam University, Silchar
Email: chair.hpc@aus.ac.in

Dr. Sudip Choudhury

ICT Data Centre and High-Performance Computation Facility
Assam University, Silchar
Email: convener.hpc@aus.ac.in

Technical Support
Email: tech.hpc@aus.ac.in