University Librarian
“Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a Library/ librarian can bring you back the right one.” – Neil Gaiman
Keeping in pace with the above spirit, Rabindra Library, Assam University as one of the best academic libraries of north eastern part of India and its main motto is to provide right and pin-pointed information at right times to the users. We are determined to provide best library services to produce and build dynamic knowledge power-house capable of contributing to the National development and welfare of society. In tune with our vision, Rabindra Library acquisitioned a huge collection of more than 1,40000 printed books. A part from that printed documents, Library is also subscribing to vast number of current journals,E books and online full text and abstract database through some of the premier publishers and eSS consortia. However, in recent past, library felt that precious time of the users’ is spent in clicking the mouse umpteen times in accessing full text of e-resources from different platforms. This time could be saved if all the e-resources from diverse platforms are made available in the form of single window search facility to satisfy information needs of the users. One such platform is EBSCO Discovery Service and access for the same has been activated within and outside the campus.
The testimony of the fact is that the Rabindra Library is one of the first university libraries in North Eastern India which got an ISO-9001:2015 certification of excellence in the year 2021 for the quality infrastructure and services such as KOHA based integrated library management system and services ,along with
RFID and Wi-Fi equipped offering the latest state-of-the art technological applications including e-books, audio-books, e-journals, kindles to maximize the use and ease of library resources. Single Window Search solution offers researchers paradise by making all library resources available at a single click. 24×7 availability of library resources beyond campus through remote access provides unhindered access to resources. The collection offers a range of text books, reference books and general reading material for enrichment and development. The library remains open 9:30 A.M. – 5:30 P.M. Monday to Friday and 9:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. on Saturday to cater to academic and research.